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2025 Porsche Cayenne S (White)

2025 Porsche Cayenne S (White)

Word on the street is that these cayennes are on sale, as in, gone are the days of ADM and that they’re finally going for under! Not sure if that’s the case for the V8 like this one, which sounds bonkers for a suv.
A few months delay in getting this protected as they were unsure of whether they were to keep the car or not. A few rock chips and a little scrape too late, but better late than never.
Front end, rear bumper, and B pillars got covered in paint protection film, with the rest of the car receiving a single step polish to enhance the finish prior to locking it all in with Revivify CarbonX

1937 Ford (Mazda Soul Red)

1937 Ford (Mazda Soul Red)

1998 Mercedes Benz C43 AMG (Black)

1998 Mercedes Benz C43 AMG (Black)